Dan Kelly’s Dream
Richard PendavinghCaught a wicked set from Dan Kelly at the Corner Hotel here in Melbourne on Friday night for the release of his new album 'Dan Kelly's Dream'.
Caught a wicked set from Dan Kelly at the Corner Hotel here in Melbourne on Friday night for the release of his new album 'Dan Kelly's Dream'.
K-Swiss recently hired Keith Schofield to put together a fairly awesome commercial with the tag line 'Have an Awesome Day. Which is timely, because 2010 has turned out to be the year of the word Awesome. Personally I'm hoping the word 'splendid' makes a revival in 2011.
After months of deliberation the Royal Commission report into the 2009 bushfires has been released and its findings have been made public.
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ASIOKE is a short motion graphics piece I put together a few years ago using After Effects. It combines two of my favourite things; karaoke and paranoia.
Some shots from the Sensory Overload installation at the Workers Club on Wednesday.
Dave and I here at Riddip have finished work on an in-house website redesign for local hairdressing salon Phaedra.
I came across this conceptual art piece by British artist Fiona Banner which is currently on display at the Tate in London.
Some labour-intensive identity work from Dutch designer Roald van der Meer using forced-perspective to bring the MTV logo to life.
In keeping with the last few updates on branding and Identity design I've scanned in some excerpts from this book of Japanese family crests and heraldry.
The first post on this blog is more than a year old now and it was a link to the 'World of Logotypes' book published in 1976 and re-discovered and scanned by designer Eric Carl.
Thanks to Benny and Matty for letting me ride shotgun yesterday.
Europe is filled with Cathedrals built centuries ago that were designed to inspire awe and show off the wealth of the church and the city-states that helped finance them.
With the release of Chris Parkinson's book on the street art of Timor Leste I went through my photos and uploaded a selection of images I took of street art and murals in Dili.
Tomorrow is the last day of the Peace of Wall exhibition being held at Until Never gallery in Melbourne.
NotJones.com is the web portfolio of UK Graphic designer Aled Williams and he's also not half bad.
I'm having trouble keeping up with all the web aggregates and feeds and enewsletters and cryptic notes I've written to myself. I'm digging up and stumbling upon things while stuff is buzzing and tweeting so I can't be sure how I came across Magpie Studios but I'm glad I did.
I think most people are a little suspicious of the high price tag attached to large commercial re-branding and logo design projects. They look at something like this three letter wordmark for Nokia's 'Nex' division and wonder why something so simple cost so much to develop. Surely an experienced graphic designer could knock that out in an afternoon.
Came across this beautiful footage shot by US photographer/videographer Sean Stiegmeier of the unpronounceable volcano in Iceland responsible for the Big Airport Kefuffle.
I came across this motion graphics piece on iso50.
Sometimes a good, simple idea is like a gorgeous girl on the arm of some average-looking bloke. You're jealous but at the same time you can't help but stare. I think this logo was a bit like that for me.