About the Unravel

The Unravel is a catalogue of travel writing, photography and social commentary. It was started on the premise that – so long as we’re all trying to make sense of the world – we might as well share what we find. Researching places before you set off is always a good idea but sometimes you just need to have the experience and make sense of it later. For better or worse that’s what The Unravel is all about.

Unfortunately a good unravelling takes time and the Almighty Search Engine frowns on websites that go weeks without updates. To keep the dream alive I need contributions from other creative types. Submissions are open to anyone looking for a place to share their adventures or delve into some discovery they’ve made.

There’s no shortage of places to publish on the net but if you’ve put time into your thoughts or your images then they deserve a proper showing. Twitter threads are a travesty, blog sites like Medium are filled with hucksters and Facebook posts are likely to get drowned under a deluge of baby photos and (in my case) pictures of lizards.

How you can help

Share articles you find interesting and leave a comment to let us know we rubbed you the right/wrong way. That’s probably the easiest thing you can do.

If you’re really dedicated you can: