Category: Design & Technology
Serious Games and the Global War on Terror
A brief history of wargaming from the little blue tokens of the Prussian Kriegsspiel to the GI Joe sprites of Marine Doom.
The public release of ChatGPT has permanently contaminated the Web. Welcome to the world of Average Garbage Forever.
Tracing the origins of 'life admin' from sacrificial servants, to human computers, chatbots and Potemkin AI.
How our metaphors for the internet determine success and failure in the messy world of software design.
One of the first things I did after finishing my undergraduate degree in media studies was watch the whole industry of journalism collapse in on itself like a rotting shack held together by ivy.
As the Covid infections have ticked upwards and lockdowns have dragged on there’s been plenty of time to dwell on our current situation.
In movies about conspiracies there’s always a moment when the main character finds the clue in the stack of evidence and rushes off to tell someone.
As a nation with a large reserve of uranium but no nuclear energy industry Australia is periodically subject to op-ed pieces designed to drum up support for a domestic nuclear power industry.
2015 led me back to Tokyo. This time I spent most of my time in the district of Sumida in Tokyo's Northeast.
The Nakagin Capsule Tower in Tokyo is a run-down testament to the ambition of some of Japan's most celebrated post-war architects.
The National Library of China holds an artifact that represents what must be the most ambitious attempt to control information in history.
Dave and I here at Riddip have finished work on an in-house website redesign for local hairdressing salon Phaedra.
When I started it this site was dedicated to inspiring work in any medium. It was a chance for me to share news and resources with other creative types and let people know what I'm working towards and where I'm coming from. Since that time it's turned into a bit more of a diary/travelogue with the occasional essay thrown in for good measure. As it turned out the world of commercial design doesn't lend itself to nice debriefs on the creative process. That being the case, I tended to steer the blog towards showcasing artwork and design projects by people that I found inspiring. I also posted my own photos occasionally- but usually months or years after the fact. In 2015 when it came time to re-design and overhaul the site I went back and re-visited those old posts hoping to update the images or find higher-res versions and was thrilled to re-discover those artists and see how their work had evolved in the intervening years. I still work as a designer. I still shoot when I get the chance. It still takes me ages to get around to processing my photos.