The Packard Automotive Plant
Richard PendavinghSome photos from the abandoned Packard Automotive plant on the East side of Detroit.
Some photos from the abandoned Packard Automotive plant on the East side of Detroit.
A final set of photos from the city of Detroit. Taken around Corktown and in the city centre.
Detroit is known now as the biggest city on the 'rust belt' - cities where manufacturing recessions have devastated the local economy.
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Some images from the start of a chilly spring in Chicago.
Thankfully not an aquarium in a shed but just an aquarium named after a guy called Shedd.
Apparently way back in the 1830s about 20 per cent of Chicago's population were Irish.
Some images of the city of Chicago after sundown.
Some photos of the Boeing production plant in Everett WA.
So Chicago has these dive bars that double as liquor stores during the day and they're a sort of throwback to an age where drinking was something you did to get drunk. . .
Some shots in the dark taken in Seattle back in March.
More photos from the 1940s courtesy of the archives on
Some classic, rather neglected, neon signage around Spokane, WA.
Some relatively recent photos from Spokane in Washington state.
Some photos from our guided tour of the Teck Smelter in Trail, BC.
Some photos I took from the top of Granite Mountain outside of Rossland in British Colombia.
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) In Geneva is going offline on Saturday for two years of maintenance and upgrades.
After a frigid night in Shanghai we watched the city wake up.
I'd like to say there was a sound artistic reason for documenting the one of the busiest shopping districts in the world while it was dark and empty.
If you were standing around outdoors near Cairns on November 14th last year then you might not have seen the sun.
Few films provoke such a powerful, visceral reaction as this short by Sebastian Montaz-Rosset so I thought I should share my discomfort.