Michael Johansson
Shamelessly cross-posted from Scott Hanson's blog iso50 we have Swedish sculptor and installation artist Michael Johansson.
Richard Pendavingh
Feb. 12, 2010 01:56 pm

Michael Johansson / http://www.michaeljohansson.com/
In a similar vein to Dan Tobin Smith Michael produces elaborate Tetris-like sculptures out of household objects. They remind me of making computer game levels in Unreal way back in the 20th century when I’d accidentally apply a furniture texture to a cube I’d just created.
Also, is there something about being Swedish which makes you want to stack and arrange things in the most efficient manner possible? Of course I’m assuming that Michael’s artistic style carrys over to his day-to-day lifestyle which may not be the case at all. He may be a complete slob and his kitchen might look like a bad day in Bosnia for all I know.
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