Magpie Studios

I could devote a post to every job on this site they’re all so pretty. There a clear style running through all the work at Magpie and there’s a definite advantage to that. For the client it means they can have a rough idea of the final product before they’ve even picked up the phone. For the studio it means they can sit back let their portfolio attract new work in a similar vein. If part of their style is also consistantly innovative design then so much the better for all involved.
The three projects I’ve decided to cross-post here are; firstly- packaging for an audio info pack aimed at drug addicts in the British prison system (from the suitably Orwellian ‘ISMG Interventions and Substance Misuse Group), secondly- a media kit for a photography exhibition and a set of infographics entitled ‘food for thought‘ that combines statistics on sustainability in the form of food and drink.
See More on their website.
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