Mato Atom

Video by the very talented and conscientious Swiss animator Mato Atom.
Unknown /

PussyMagnet 6009 from Mato Atom on Vimeo.

“PussyMagnet 6009” – A shiny car commercial
“Air” (on a G-string) by Johann S. Bach

In the meanwhile &

“Who Killed the Electric Car?” (

“The Missing Secrets of Nikola Tesla” (

I keep seeing ute commercials on TV that mention ‘ESP’ as a feature. I can only assume that the car provides some sort of extrasensory perception. But I’m not buying it until they introduce telepathic navigation controls (or TNCs).

Richard Pendavingh

Photographer, designer and weekend historian. Editor of The Unravel. Writes about design, tech, history and anthropology.

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